UKMFA Open Letters

Open Letters we have sent to the Government, Regulators, and Policy & Decision Makers

COVID-19 Vaccines

General COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Joint Letter to Health Secretary Rt Hon Wes Streeting re Covid Vaccine Safety


We have joined forces with from HART, Perseus, DfPUK and CCVAC in a joint letter to the new Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, to bring to his attention the ongoing concerns of more than 100 doctors, health professionals and academics about the safety of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

We ask him to take a fresh look at the evidence and "correct the mistakes of the last administration", and to immediately suspend the booster programme.

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Joint Open Letter to Health Secretary Victoria Atkins re Excess Deaths and Link to Covid Jabs


UKMFA have teamed up with HART and CCVAC to write a letter, co-signed by over one hundred health professionals and academics, to the current Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins concerning the alarming and ongoing level of excess deaths in the UK and Western world.  

We demand that the Government urgently investigates the possible role of the Covid mRNA vaccines in the recorded rise in ill-health, disability and deaths, and call on them to immediately suspend the Covid Booster programme, pending an immediate review of vaccine safety.

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Joint Open Letter from UKMFA, DFPUK and HART to WHO Director General | re COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

05/07/23 UPDATED 16/01/24

UKMFA, Doctors for Patients UK and HART have written an open letter, co-signed by nearly 100 doctors and health professionals, to the WHO Director General,  Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,  Dr Hans Kluge (WHO Regional Director for Europe), Dr Michael Ryan (Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme) and Dr Jeremy Farrar (WHO Chief Scientist).  

In the letter we highlight the experience of clinicians who are seeing many patients with severe diseases that appear linked to COVID-19 vaccines rather than SARS-CoV2 infection.  We also highlight the data showing that the COVID-19 vaccines appear to have a far higher rate of adverse events than all other vaccines.

We have called on the WHO it to urgently introduce “COVID-19 vaccine-induced side effects and related disorders” as an umbrella term disease state in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), in order to begin to assess the scale and magnitude of the problem.

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Joint Open Letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO, Charity Commission re Andrew Bridgen MP's Allegations that the British Heart Foundation (BHF) withheld Data relating to Cardiac Damage caused by COVID-19 Vaccines

31/01/23 UPDATED 23/01/24

UKMFA, Doctors for Patients UK and HART, along with around 100 medical professional cosignatories, have sent an open letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission, to express our deep concerns about recent allegations made by Andrew Bridgen MP in the House of Commons.

Andrew Bridgen stated that a whistleblower alleges that the Oxford University Cardiology Research department, whose lead clinician, Professor Charalambos Antoniades is funded by the BHF has withheld important data about COVID-19 vaccine harms, for fear of losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and was therefore prioritising funding over patient safety.

We are calling for a full and independent investigation into any suppression of data by the British Heart Foundation itself or by senior BHF grant holders and have made a number of FOI requests in the letter.

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UKMFA Letter to Richard Pebody re Eurosurveillance Rapid Communication Paper Claiming Hundreds of Thousands of Lives Saved by COVID-19 Vaccines


UKMFA wrote to the lead author, Richard Pebody, demanding an immediate retraction of their paper, which concluded that over 450,000 deaths of over 60s had been prevented by the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

We argue that their analysis used an incorrect assumption/estimate of vaccine effectiveness and the resulting figures calculated in the paper differ starkly from real world, observed, data.

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Letter Before Action to the UK Chief Medical Officers pertaining to Misfeasance regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

22/10/21 UPDATED 12/01/24

UKMFA have sent a Letter before Action to Prof Chris Whitty (UK Government Chief Medical Adviser), Dr Gregor Smith (Chief Medical Officer for Scotland), Dr Frank Atherton (Chief Medical Officer for Wales) and Dr Michael McBride (Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland).

This letter addresses them in both their personal capacity and in their professional capacity as Chief Medical Officers, placing them on notice as to their duties as a public office holder and the legal position should they breach those duties in reference to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with pertaining to COVID-19 vaccinations and any and all related mandates, including “vaccine passports or certification”.

In our letter we state that despite mounting and persistently emerging evidence regarding concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, they continue to promote them to be administered to the British population and have participated in the recommendations to vaccinate pregnant women and children, despite the fact that no validated safety data exist at this point.  We remind them that as medical professionals, they are legally obliged to adhere to the principles of Good Medical Practice as set out by the General Medical Council (GMC). We summarise specific concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for their attention.

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UKMFA Open Letter to the General Medical Council re Unethical Practices in the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout


UKMFA has sent an Open Letter to Dame Clare Marx, Chair of the General Medical Council, in which we detail our concerns about certain practices, relating to informed consent, evidence-based medicine and conflicts of interest, that are expected of UK doctors involved in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

We believe that there are compelling reasons to investigate such practices and those who insist upon enforcing them.  We also request that any doctors resisting such practices receive protection from their regulatory body, the General Medical Council (GMC), as we understand that, currently, they have cause to fear investigation, and possible suspension.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Nursing and Midwifery Council and Royal College of Nursing re Coercion of Nurses to accept a COVID-19 Vaccine and Nursing Culture Silencing Concerns


UKMFA, Lawyers for Liberty and Workers Union of England have sent an Open Letter in response to reports from nursing staff of pressure and coercion being applied by bosses and peers to accept a COVID-19 vaccine.  

We also raise concerns about the development of a culture within nursing, discouraging nurses to come forward to report potential issues which challenge the official Government and NHS narrative and polices.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Government and Vaccine Regulators re Possible COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths in the Elderly and in Care Homes


UKMFA has sent an Urgent Open Letter to Matt Hancock, Nadim Zahawi, Boris Johnson, the MHRA and the JCVI in which we raise concerns about media reports and epidemiological data indicating that there may be a link between COVID-19 vaccination and a rise in deaths and COVID-19 cases being reported in care homes and in the elderly.  We are asking for an urgent audit and investigation into ALL deaths that have occurred in these cohorts since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout began.

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UKMFA Open Letter to MHRA, JCVI and Matt Hancock re Safety and Ethical Concerns of Proposed COVID-19 Vaccine Authorisation and Rollout


UKMFA have written an urgent Open Letter to the Vaccine Regulators and Matt Hancock outlining our serious concerns that a rushed rollout of any COVID-19 Vaccine may compromise safety, which is not justified as there is no evidence of an existential threat to society from SARS-CoV-2.  We urge them not to go ahead with authorisation or a rollout until our concerns are addressed.

Please send this Open Letter to your MP and GP.

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Informed Consent for COVID-19 Vaccines

Joint Open Letter to GMC Chair, Dame Carrie McEwen re Persecution of Ethical Doctors


UKMFA have joined forces with DfPUK, HART and CCVAC to write an open letter to GMC Chair, Dame Carrie McEwan, urging the GMC to protect doctors speaking out on Covid vaccine harms, by applying  the same protection to these whistleblowers that she rightly observed were missing decades ago in the contaminated blood scandal.  We also demanded that she called a moratorium on all GMC investigations that do not arise directly from complaints about actual patient care.

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UKMFA Open Letter to GMC Chair re COVID-19 Vaccine & Doctors' Failure to Comply with GMC Consent Guidelines


UKMFA Open Letter to Dame Carrie MacEwen, General Medical Council Chair, sent on 18 July 2022.  We have not yet received a reply, despite asking for a response within 2 weeks, so we resent the letter by email and in hard copy on 28 September 2022 and requested an urgent response from the GMC.

In our letter we raise and detail grave concerns that the GMC is failing to maintain standards of decision-making and informed consent, as determined by its own guidance. Specific concerns relate to:

  • Provision of care in COVID-19 vaccination centres.
  • Omission of information regarding risks of COVID-19 vaccines when obtaining consent.

We outline in detail, the practical aspects of GMC Guidelines we are referring to and highlight the discrepancies with UKHSA Guidance and the experience of doctors and patients in daily practice, with regards to COVID-19 vaccination.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Ian Trenholm, Care Quality Commission CEO, re Concerns about PHE COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Forms

02/07/21 UPDATED 11/01/24

UK Medical Freedom Alliance have sent an Open Letter to the CEO of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) raising serious concerns about the PHE Covid-19 Vaccine Consent Forms currently being used by doctors and vaccinators, that may result in informed consent not being properly obtained.  We are asking for an urgent investigation and appropriate action to be taken by the CQC.

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UKMFA Open Letter to GPs/Vaccinators re Obtaining Informed Consent for COVID-19 Vaccines

30/06/21 UPDATED v2

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance have updated their Open Letter to GPs and Vaccinators, which highlights important legal and medical issues that need to be considered and discussed when obtaining full and informed consent to Covid-19 vaccination.  We are encouraging our supporters to print off and deliver a copy to your GP and local Vaccination Centres.

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UKMFA/Rational Global Open Letter to Care Home Managers re Informed Consent for COVID-19 Vaccination of Residents/Employees


UKMFA and Rational Global have written a letter to help Care Home Managers understand the legal and ethical requirement to obtain fully informed consent for their residents and employees before administering a COVID-19 vaccine.  Useful document for concerned relatives to print off and share with care homes and the wider community.

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Open Letter to the General Medical Council Chair, Dame Marx, from Dr Sarah Myhill re Guidelines for Informed Consent


Dr Myhill raises concerns about out-of-date GMC Guidelines which may jeopardise the proper obtaining of informed consent for vaccinations, including the COVID-19 vaccine, as they fail to incorporate the stipulations outlined in the Supreme Court Montgomery Judgement (2017).

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COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy

Open Letter to RCOG, RCM and UKHSA re Safety Concerns of Covid-19 Vaccinations In Pregnancy

13/11/22 UPDATED 15/05/23

Several UKMFA doctors have joined over 60 doctors in signing this open letter to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives and UK Health Security Agency, calling for an urgent review of the evidence around the safety of Covid vaccine use in pregnancy.

We argue that the current official advice "is not grounded in robust data based on ethically conducted research" and evidence the multiple serious safety signals and research data that should prompt an immediate halt to the rollout to pregnant women pending a full, independent safety analysis. We conclude that "we have a collective duty to restore the principles of medical ethics to our practice and to clinical research to protect the most vulnerable groups from harm, and this includes pregnant women and their babies."

On 23/02/23 we sent a follow-up Appeal Letter, with a number of FOI Requests, to the RCOG expressing our dismay at the lack of response from a letter sent in December 2022 to RCOG President Dr Ranee Thakar, and that the RCOG's latest position statement on COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy had not taken any of our concerns into account.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Chair of Expert Group Reviewing Excess Neonatal Mortality in Scotland


UKMFA have sent this open letter to Dr Helen Mactier and Health Improvement Scotland to appeal to them to ensure that all possible factors which may have contributed to the alarming recent increase in Scotland's neonatal mortality considered, including the possibility of COVID-19 vaccination having a causative effect.

We present evidence and data to support the hypothesis that COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women may be causing or contributing to the tragic increase in neonatal deaths.

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UKMFA Open Letter to MHRA, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists and Royal College of Midwives re Urgent Call to Re-evaluate COVID-19 Vaccine Advice for Pregnant Women


UKMFA sent this Urgent Open Letter to Dame June Raine (Chief Executive of the MHRA),  Mr Edward Morris (President of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) and Rebeccah Davies (President of the Royal College of Midwives) writing to re-emphasise our concerns stated in previous Open Letters, reinforced by emerging data over the course of the last year.

We detail why we are now gravely concerned regarding the continued policies to vaccinate pregnant women against COVID-19 and  point out that supporting the policies of COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women, whilst ignoring or even denying the significance of growing numbers of serious adverse event reports, is at this point grossly negligent and irresponsible.

We demand scientifically robust and transparent evidence for the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy if they continue to advocate that COVID-19 vaccines should be administered to pregnant women.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Professor Asma Khalil re COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Safety Claims in Nature Medicine Paper


In this letter to Professor Khalil we raise serious concerns with the conclusions presented in her recent publication in Nature Medicine, entitled “Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness and perinatal outcomes of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy”, which were recently publicised widely to doctors and the public under headlines claiming that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of stillbirths.

We argue that the data presented does not support these conclusions, and challenge the message of reassurance regarding COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety in pregnancy. We request an urgent retraction of this paper for the reasons laid out in detail in our letter.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Sarah Stock and Editor of Nature Medicine re COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Safety Claims


UKMFA has written to Dr Sarah Stock (lead author), and subsequently to João Monteiro (editor of Nature Medicine), concerning the paper “SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 vaccination rates in pregnant women in Scotland”. We highlight and detail serious flaws in their methodology and argue that these flaws preclude any conclusions being drawn regarding efficacy or safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy.

UKMFA has called for an immediate retraction of this paper but has to date not received any satisfactory rebuttal to the arguments presented.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Brenda Kelly Consultant Obstetrician re Misleading Video Statements on Vaccine Safety in Pregnancy


UKMFA has sent an Open Letter to Dr Brenda Kelly,  ccd to Dr Edward Morris (President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists), in which we detail serious concerns about statements Dr Kelly made in a series of short videos, published on the Oxford University Hospitals website, about COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy.

We are concerned about several simplified, misleading and biased claims Dr Kelly made about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, that are not supported by the available evidence and which may seriously impede the process of obtaining fully informed consent from pregnant women.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Scottish Chief Medical, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Officers re COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout to Pregnant Women in Scotland


UKMFA has sent an Open Letter to the Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Nursing Officer and the Interim Chief Pharmaceutical Officer in Scotland, in response to their recent update on the Scottish COVID-19 Vaccination program sent to Scottish Health Boards and Local Authorities. In this letter, we detail our concerns about the implications of the continued rollout of this program, specifically with regards to pregnant women.

We highlight the paucity of scientific evidence to support current policies and the potential risks of harm, especially to cohorts (e.g. pregnant women) not represented in clinical COVID-19 vaccine trials.

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UKMFA Open Letter to JCVI re Advice to offer COVID-19 Vaccines to all Pregnant Women


UKMFA has sent an Open Letter to the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in response to their updated advice that COVID-19 vaccines should be offered to all pregnant women.  We express and evidence our grave concerns and ask for an immediate retraction of this advice.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Royal College of Midwives re COVID-19 Vaccine Advice for Pregnant Women


UK Medical Freedom Alliance has written an Open Letter to Obstetricians and Midwives, raising our concerns about misleading advice being given to pregnant women in relation to; COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, risk from COVID-19 disease in pregnancy, and COVID-19 vaccine safety in pregnancy.

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COVID-19 Vaccines for Children / University Students

Joint Open Letter from UKMFA and CCVAC re NextCOVE Trial on Moderna Booster Vaccines for Children aged 12-17 years


UKMFA and the Children's Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (led by Dr Ros Jones) have sent an open letter, signed by over 120 doctors, scientists, and healthcare professionals to the Chief Executives and Chairmen of all NextCOVE trial participating centres and NHS Trusts, Dame June Raine (MHRA CEO) and the Chairs of all Local Research Ethics Committees, expressing our deep concerns regarding this trial of Moderna booster vaccines being carried out on UK children aged 12-17 years.

We argue that this trial contravenes medical ethics laws and codes, including the Declaration of Helsinki, the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005), as there is no benefit to children and a significant risk of serious harm.

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UKMFA Notice of Legal Obligations and Potential Liabilities for anyone Advocating or Administering COVID-19 Vaccines to Children


This letter is addressed to Public Officers in both their personal and professional capacities. It notifies them of their legal duties to any children in their care, in their capacity as a teacher, healthcare professional, public office holder, carer or parent, and the potential legal position should they breach those duties. It refers to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with pertaining to COVID-19 vaccinations for children.

We are encouraging members of the public to distribute this letter as required, to educate and inform all those who are participating in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to children.

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Letter before Action pertaining to Misfeasance from UKMFA to the Four UK Chief Medical Officers

22/10/21 UPDATED 10/01/22

Following the CMOs’ decision to recommend rolling out the COVID-19 vaccines to children, we have sent a Letter before Action to Prof Chris Whitty (UK Government Chief Medical Adviser), Dr Gregor Smith (Chief Medical Officer for Scotland), Dr Frank Atherton (Chief Medical Officer for Wales) and Dr Michael McBride (Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland), addressing them in both their personal capacity and professional capacity as Chief Medical Officers. We have placed them on notice as to their duties as a public office holder and the legal position should they breach those duties, in reference to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with pertaining to COVID-19 vaccinations and any and all related mandates, including vaccine passports or certification.

Despite mounting and persistently emerging evidence regarding concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, including life-threatening adverse events and deaths, they continue to promote them to be administered to the British population, including recommendations to vaccinate pregnant women and children despite no validated safety data. We remind them that, as medical professionals, they are legally obliged to adhere to the principles of Good Medical Practice as set out by the General Medical Council (GMC).

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UKMFA Open Letter to Prof Calum Semple re Comments on BBC Podcast for Children re COVID-19 Vaccines


UKMFA has submitted a formal complaint to Prof Semple (Consultant Paediatrician) concerning his comments made on a BBC Podcast, released on 15th September 2021, where he answered children’s questions about the COVID-19 jab.

We set out our grave concerns regarding some of his statements, mainly related to his gross misrepresentation of the COVID-19 vaccine safety profile and his contribution to the propagandisation of COVID-19 vaccines for children. We argue that all medical doctors bear the responsibility to convey information comprehensively and based on all available evidence, and that his privileged and influential position of reaching a large audience via the BBC Podcast means he must be held to the highest standards of ethical medicine, based on scientific evidence. We argue that the simplified, one-sided and propagandised tone and content of his contribution falls far below the bar set by good medical practice, disregarding readily accessible safety data and communicating a lack of respect for anyone questioning the narrative.

We request that Prof Semple immediately reviews and retracts his statements and issue a more balanced response to the questions asked, including comprehensive and scientifically validated information regarding the available evidence on safety concerns in teenagers.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick re Misleading Statements in Telegraph Article on COVID-19 Vaccination of Teenagers


UKMFA has submitted a formal complaint to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick and the Telegraph newspaper concerning his comments published in the Telegraph on the 23th August 2021, discussing the process of administering COVID-19 vaccinations to teenagers. We set out our serious concerns regarding some of his statements.  These are mainly related to his misrepresentation of the COVID-19 vaccine safety profile and his trivialisation of the informed consent process.

We argue that the simplified, one-sided, patronising, and propagandised tone and content of this article falls far below good medical practice, disregarding readily accessible safety data and communicating a lack of respect for the right of every individual to be comprehensively informed before giving consent as well as their right to refuse treatment without coercion, penalty or restriction being applied.

We ask for an immediate retraction of the original article and the publishing of a more balanced comment.

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UKMFA Urgent Email to UK Chief Medical Officers re COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout to Children 12-15 years


On the 4th September 2021, UKMFA sent an urgent email to four UK Chief Medical Officers who have been asked to decide on whether or not to give the go ahead for the Government to rollout the COVID-19 jabs to children aged 12-15 years, potentially over-riding the JCVI advice that this is not in the best medical interest of children.

As a result of publishing the text of this email on the UKMFA Facebook page, we were banned from posting for 30 days. Please share this link far and wide on social media to help us to reach more people.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Universities and Colleges re COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for Students


UK Medical Freedom Alliance has written an Open Letter to all University Vice Chancellors and Higher Education College Senior Management, appealing to them to refrain from imposing any COVID-19 health-related conditions on students accessing education at their institutions, and urging them specifically to strongly resist imposing any requirements for students to accept a COVID-19 vaccine.

We set out our concerns relating to COVID-19 vaccine safety, and the violation of laws and guidelines around informed consent that would result from imposing this condition on students' access to education.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Headteachers and Teachers re COVID-19 Vaccination of Children in Schools


The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has written an open letter to Headteachers and Teachers to outline our grave medical and ethical concerns about a rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines to children in schools.

We set out the potential legal liability of school leaders in the event of any resulting harm to children whilst in their care.

We also raise concerns about some vaccine promotion material being provided to schools by external organisations, as "educational resources", which do not give the full and balanced information required to make an informed decision.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar re Misleading Claims in BBC Newsround Episode on Children's Vaccines


UKMFA have sent a letter of complaint to Prof Sridhar following her claims made on BBC Newsround, which is shown in most UK schools, which made several false or misleading claims including that the COVID-19 vaccines are 100% safe, that children should have the vaccine to protect their parents, and that the benefits to children outweigh any risks.

To present such a simplified and biased message is, in our opinion, deeply irresponsible, amounts to propaganda, and negatively impacts on the process of giving fully informed consent. We have requested that Prof Sridhar immediately retracts the entire message and issues a clear public apology for misrepresenting the facts relating to the safety concerns of COVID-19 vaccines in children.

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UKMFA Urgent Open Letter to the MHRA re Emergency Authorisation of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine for Children

08/06/21 UPDATED 06/09/21

UKMFA has sent an Open Letter to the the MHRA in which we raise grave concerns about this emergency authorisation, citing evidence of known and potential harms to children that may result and the serious ethical issues this decision raises.

Given that these vaccines will have virtually no benefit to the children themselves, it is profoundly unethical and indefensible to vaccinate children, especially with an experimental vaccine using novel technology, in what appears to be a misguided attempt to protect adults and achieve herd immunity. We call on the MHRA to exercise caution and immediately reverse their decision.

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We received a letter of reply from Dr June Raine, Chief Executive of MHRA.

Download PDF MHRA Letter

UKMFA Open Letter to Child Health Experts and Regulators re COVID-19 Vaccination of Children


This open letter from UKMFA to child health experts and regulators raises serious concerns about the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to healthy children.  We reference current scientific evidence that clearly shows the 'risk v benefit' calculation does NOT support administering experimental COVID-19 vaccines to healthy children, who have no risk from COVID-19, yet face known and unknown risks from the vaccines.

We conclude that it would be irresponsible and unethical, as well as unnecessary, to include any children under 18 years in either the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout or in any clinical trials. The end of the current Phase 3 trials on adults must be awaited, as well as several years of safety data to rule out any potential adverse effects on autoimmune diseases, fertility, genetics (offspring) or cancers.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Joint Open Letter to MPs re Covid Vaccine Mandates for Care Workers


UKMFA have teamed up with HART and the Thinking Coalition to send this Open Letter to the 319 MPs who voted for Covid-19 vaccine mandates for all care workers on 13 July 2021, by supporting an Amendment to the Health and Social Care Act 2008.  This unethical amendment forced thousands of care workers out of jobs they loved and needed, in order to avoid having a medical treatment they did not want or need.

We set out the violation of medical ethics in undermining their "fundamental right to informed consent" and that “mandatory vaccination would be crossing the Rubicon on medical choice, medical confidentiality and bodily autonomy” as well as detailing the wealth of scientific and medical evidence at the time that showed the jabs did not stop transmission and were causing unprecedented levels of harm.

CALL TO ACTION: If your MP was one of the MPs who voted for this, please send this letter to them and ask them for an urgent response to the questions and points raised.

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UKMFA Open Letter to MPs re COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Employees


In advance of the Parliamentary Debate on the 24th January, 2022, concerning the discussion of the petition: "Prohibit employers from requiring staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19",  UKMFA have written this Open Letter to all the Members of Parliament, imploring them to thoroughly consider at least three points:

  • COVID-19 Vaccines do not prevent viral transmission or infection.
  • Informed consent is paramount in Good Medical Practice.
  • The safety of the COVID-19 vaccines has not been established.

We are asking our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their own MP and to share this letter widely on social media, encouraging others to do the same. Deadline is Monday, 24th January.

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UKMFA Open Letter to House of Lords Members re Vaccine Mandates for NHS and CQC-regulated Healthcare Workers


UKMFA have sent an urgent Open Letter to Baroness Noakes, members of the House of Lords' Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee, and other members of the House of Lords, detailing serious safety, ethical and workforce concerns about the proposed Government COVID-19 vaccine mandate of all NHS and CQC-regulated healthcare workers.  

We appeal to them to vote against this unethical, disproportionate, destructive and divisive bill.

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UKMFA Notice of Legal Obligations and Potential Liabilities to MPs/MSPs/MSs re COVID-19 Vaccine Harms Resulting from Policies and Mandates


UKMFA have sent an Open Letter to all UK MPs, MSPs and MSs, both in their personal capacity and in their capacity as a Member of Parliament, to place them on notice as to their duties as a public office holder and the legal position should they breach those duties. It refers to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with, pertaining to COVID-19 vaccinations and any and all related mandates, including vaccine passports or certification.

This letter has been sent by email to the individuals concerned. We are encouraging our supporters to send a hard copy of this letter to their own MP, MSP or MS.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Employers re Proposed COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

20/08/21 UPDATED v3

The UKMFA, Lawyers for Liberty and The Workers Union of England have published an Open Letter, for employees and potential employees to share with employers who are proposing to mandate COVID-19 vaccines on their employees.  It outlines the legal rights of the employee to informed consent and medical freedom, and relevant employment law protections afforded to employees.  It summarises the legal duties of employers. It also summarises the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccines and the trial data which indicates that COVID-19 vaccines do NOT prevent infection or transmission of the virus.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

UKMFA and Lawyers for Liberty Open Letter to Government and MPs re Vaccine/Immunity Passports

01/03/21 UPDATED 11/01/24

In this Open Letter we detail our grave legal, ethical, and medical concerns, in response to recent rhetoric from government and private businesses, regarding the introduction of Vaccine/Immunity passports.

We urge a return to individual responsibility for our own health and argue that it is disproportionate and unnecessary to go down the route of further restrictions and loss of freedoms that a Vaccine/Immunity Passport would entail.

We argue that Vaccine Passports represent a dangerous path which has no place in a democratic and free society, and which would be a profoundly illiberal, undemocratic, and un-British policy.  

We are asking our supporters to send this letter to your MP and have created a Word Doc Template cover letter for you to use.

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COVID Restriction Policies

Joint Letter to the Constituents of Andrew Bridgen MP


Joint letter from HART, DFPUK & UKMFA, signed by over 80 doctors, healthcare professionals and academics, supporting Andrew Bridgen's right and duty to ask difficult questions.

This letter is addressed to Andrew's constituents and asks them to consider the points we lay out raising our concerns over patient safety and to  encourage them to support Mr. Bridgen, as he continues to represent their interests in the critical questions he is putting to the Government regarding their policies.

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Joint Open Letter to MPs Retiring in 2024 | Ref: Excess Mortality and Possible Link to Covid Vaccines


UKMFA, HART, The Thinking Coalition and Perseus (and signed by nearly 100 health professionals and academics) have written a Template Letter for constituents to send to their MP if they are standing down at the next election.  

We believe this puts them in a unique position and urge them to ask probing questions of the government and the opposition front benches about the ongoing high levels of excess mortality in the UK and the correlation and possible link with the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.  We have included graphs and data to support this claim.

CALL TO ACTION: Please send this letter to your own MP if they are standing down at the next election..

UKMFA Urgent Open Letter to Scottish Government re Mask Guidance/Mandates in Healthcare Settings


In this Open Letter to Humza Yousaf, MSP (Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care) and Dr Gregor Smith (Chief Medical Officer for Scotland), we call upon the Scottish Government to urgently align their policies with the rest of the UK and make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

In our previous Open Letter, dated 2nd May 2022, we called for the exit strategy for face mask requirements in healthcare facilities, highlighting the available scientific and experiential evidence showing lack of benefit and risks of adverse effects. We present further data in this letter, confirming that there is no reason for Scotland to adopt a different policy to England and Wales.

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UKMFA Open Letters to NHS CCG Governing Boards re Face Mask Requirements and Visitor Restriction Policies in Healthcare Facilities


Local/Regional NHS Commissioning Care Groups (CCGs) are responsible for setting policies for NHS Trusts and GP Practices to follow.

UKMFA have called upon CCG Governing Bodies to abolish current restrictive policies and to instruct NHS Trust Chief Executives to re-establish visitation rights of hospitalised patients with immediate effect.

Following the lifting of legal requirements for face masks use by the public throughout the UK, we have also asked the CCGs to instruct NHS Trust Chief Executives and GP Practices to make face-masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

It is time for the NHS to come into line with the rest of society, to end the draconian restrictions that are causing fear and harm to patients, staff and visitors, and return to normal practice.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Care Home Managers re Inhuman Visitor Restriction Policies


UKMFA have written a letter to Care Home Managers to demand the removal of ALL restrictions on the visitation of care home residents with immediate effect, in line with the Government’s lifting of restrictions and guidance for the care sector published on the 31 March 2022, which states clearly: “There should not normally be any restrictions to visits in or out of the care home".

We demand that no person must suffer such a cruel and inhuman policy going forward, no matter what the circumstances, and that the right to receive healthy visitors in care homes must be upheld at all times. We also request that visitors should not themselves be required to be subjected to medical interventions (including diagnostic tests, face masks, vaccinations) as a condition of visitation. Individuals who are ill should be trusted to make responsible decisions themselves to refrain from visiting while symptomatic, as has been normal practice for decades.

Please send this letter to any care home that you know is still implementing these cruel restrictions on their residents and families, and forward it to your MP and local media to raise awareness of this important issue.

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UKMFA Open Letter to NHS General Practice Managers re Face Mask Requirements in GP Surgeries


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, the NHS continues to require their staff, patients and visitors to cover their faces within their healthcare facilities. We call upon all NHS General Practice Managers to make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge the NHS to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices.  We also remind the managers that NHS staff are required to uphold the core principles of the NHS Constitution, medical ethics and professional codes of practice, including the right to informed consent. Denying staff, patients and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of these principles and codes.

We would like to encourage our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their local GP Practice Manager (copying in their GP), their MP and local media, and share this on social media to raise public awareness of this important issue.

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UKMFA Open Letter to NHS Trust/Health Board CEOs re Face Mask Requirements in Healthcare Facilities


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, the NHS continues to require their staff, patients and visitors to cover their faces within their healthcare facilities. We call upon all NHS Chief Executives to make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge the NHS to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices.  We also remind the CEOs that NHS staff are required to uphold the core principles of the NHS Constitution, medical ethics and professional codes of practice, including the right to informed consent. Denying staff, patients and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of these principles and codes.

We would like to encourage our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their local NHS Trust CEO, their GP, MP and local media, and share this on social media to raise public awareness of this important issue.

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UKMFA Open Letter to NHS Trust/Health Board CEOs re Unethical and Restrictive Hospital Visitor Policies


The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has written to the CEOs of NHS Hospital Trusts and Scottish Health Boards to demand the immediate implementation of recently published NHS guidance stating that “No patient should have to attend a hospital appointment alone”.

We appeal to them to remove ALL Covid-related restrictions on the visitation of hospitalised patients and the accompanying/chaperoning of outpatients and A&E attendees, which have led to countless patients being cruelly deprived of company and support from their family and friends during times of vulnerability and suffering.  These policies are disproportionate, unethical and inhuman and the legal right to be accompanied to medical appointments and to receive healthy visitors in hospital must be upheld at all times.

We also demand that visitors should not themselves be subject to medical interventions (e.g. face masks, Covid-19 testing or vaccination) as a condition of entry.

We outline the legal and ethical duties of care that hospitals are required to give to their patients under the NHS Constitution, GMC and NMC Professional Codes of Practice, and UK and International Law.

CALL TO ACTION: If your local hospital is still restricting visitors in this way, please hand deliver our letter to your CEO/hospital and encourage other local residents to do the same.  Also please involve your local media and social media in applying pressure to encourage a change in policy.

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Open Letter re Scottish National Fertility Treatment Policy on Covid-19 Vaccines


UK Medical Freedom Alliance have written to NHS Fertility Centres in Scotland concerning their recent introduction of a policy barring unvaccinated couples from accessing any fertility treatment.

We state that the approach taken in the policy is entirely disproportionate and amounts to unlawful discrimination, therefore exposing relevant decision-makers and other parties to significant legal liability. It is also of wider concern to society as it validates further unlawful discrimination in other NHS services based on vaccination status.

We demand that this policy be immediately terminated and detail the potential liabilities faced by policy makers should the policy be continued.

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UKMFA Open Letter to all UK Chief Medical Officers re Ongoing Covid-19 Restrictions/Mandates and Exit Strategy


UK Medical Freedom Alliance has sent an Open Letter to the Chief Medical Officers and Health Ministers of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland calling for:

  • the publication of a clear exit strategy from all Covid-19 mandates and restrictions.
  • increased transparency regarding scientific evidence informing government policies, and publication of this evidence for independent and public scrutiny.
  • an immediate announcement to end ALL mandates of universal masking in ALL settings, including in the healthcare sector.
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COVID Testing

UKMFA Open Letter to Employers re Covid-19 Testing Requirements for Employees


The UKMFA have written an open letter for employees to share with their employers who are requiring their healthy, asymptomatic employees to perform regular testing (Lateral Flow Test or PCR) for Covid-19. We appeal to employers to refrain from encouraging any further mass testing of asymptomatic individuals for Covid-19.

We outline how the rate of testing has significantly increased and how this approach threatens the restoration of the economy, as a large proportion of the healthy workforce are having to isolate unnecessarily, causing shortages independent of any clinical illness. We set out specific reasons for our concerns regarding: the reliability/validity of testing for Covid-19, the prevalence of clinical disease, and the restoration of viable businesses.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Scottish Health Secretary and Chief Medical Officer on the flawed policy of routine Covid-19 testing of asymptomatic health workers


UK Medical Freedom Alliance have sent an Open Letter to the Scottish CMO and Health Secretary (copying in their English counterparts) asking for the practice of routine mass testing of asymptomatic health workers to stop.  We argue that this is not founded on a solid scientific base and is resulting a large proportion of the healthy workforce having to isolate unnecessarily. This is causing healthcare worker shortages independent of any clinical illness, and threatens to cripple the NHS.

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We have received a reply from the Scottish Chief Medical Officer and we have since responded to him due to an unsatisfactory response to our concerns.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Prime Minister and Government Ministers re Mass Community Testing for Covid-19


The UKMFA have written an Open Letter to Boris Johnson, First Ministers, Health Ministers, Government Ministers, Sir Graham Brady and Mark Harper calling for an immediate halt to COVID-19 testing of asymptomatic individuals in the community, workplaces, schools, and especially for children.

We argue that currently available tests for SARS-CoV-2 are not validated and are deeply flawed; that there is no evidence for viral transmission from asymptomatic individuals; that there is no justification for the spiralling financial costs incurred by mass-testing; that there is a high socio-economic cost for those testing false positive, who are forced to isolate; that there is the potential for discrimination against people declining to be tested; and that there are unknown but potential risks of regular testing to children’s physical and mental health.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Education Minister re Mass Covid-19 Testing in Schools


In light of the government press releases on 15th and 17th December, outlining a policy of mass-testing of all secondary school children before they can return to school in January 2021, the UKMFA have sent a fully referenced Open Letter to Gavin Williamson, DfE and DHSC to outline our concerns relating to informed consent, the validity of the tests and the lack of evidence for asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Please share far and wide, including to MPs and schools/headteachers.

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Face Mask Policies/Mandates

UKMFA Open Letter re Proposed Re-introduction of Face Mask Requirements in Scottish Healthcare Facilities


Following a call from an "expert group" for a reintroduction of masks in Scottish healthcare facilities, UKMFA have written to the Scottish First Minister and Health Secretary urging them to take a science-based and ethical decision, in line with the overwhelming body of evidence showing clearly that face masks are ineffective and potentially harmful.  

We demand that they never again allow a policy of universal masking for the purpose of preventing respiratory viral transmission.

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Open Letter from UKMFA re URGENT Call to withdraw Face Mask Requirements in Scottish Healthcare Facilities


UKMFA have written to the Scottish Health Secretary and Chief Medical Officer, calling upon the Scottish Government to urgently align their policies with the rest of the UK and make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.  

Following previous letters on this topic, highlighting the available scientific and experiential evidence showing lack of benefit and risks of adverse effects, we present further evidence and data showing there is no reason Scotland needs to adopt a different policy to England and Wales.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Employers and Public Institutions re Face Mask Requirements Exit Strategy


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, some employers and institutions still require or encourage their employees and visitors to cover their faces. We call upon all employers and public institutions to make face masks optional for everyone with immediate effect. If they have decided to interpret Government recommendations as requirements, we demand a published justification that is rooted in a scientific evidence-base, including detailed impact and risk assessments.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge employers and decision-makers to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices, including the right to informed consent to medical interventions. Denying employees and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of well-established ethical principles and legal codes.

We encourage our supporters to share this letter with employers, institutions and businesses that continue to encourage or enforce the use of face-masks.

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UKMFA Open Letter to NHS General Practice Managers re Face Mask Requirements in GP Surgeries


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, the NHS continues to require their staff, patients and visitors to cover their faces within their healthcare facilities. We call upon all NHS General Practice Managers to make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge the NHS to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices.  We also remind the managers that NHS staff are required to uphold the core principles of the NHS Constitution, medical ethics and professional codes of practice, including the right to informed consent. Denying staff, patients and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of these principles and codes.

We would like to encourage our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their local GP Practice Manager (copying in their GP), their MP and local media, and share this on social media to raise public awareness of this important issue.

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UKMFA Open Letter to NHS Trust/Health Board CEOs re Face Mask Requirements in Healthcare Facilities


The legal requirements for face masks have now been lifted throughout the UK. Nevertheless, the NHS continues to require their staff, patients and visitors to cover their faces within their healthcare facilities. We call upon all NHS Chief Executives to make face masks optional for all staff, patients and visitors, with immediate effect.

We detail the lack of evidence of benefit, and the wealth of evidence of harms resulting from the use of face masks. We urge the NHS to uphold the principle of evidence-based medicine in their policies and practices.  We also remind the CEOs that NHS staff are required to uphold the core principles of the NHS Constitution, medical ethics and professional codes of practice, including the right to informed consent. Denying staff, patients and visitors the right to decline a medical intervention (a face mask) without coercion, penalty or restriction is in breach of these principles and codes.

We would like to encourage our supporters to send a copy of this letter to their local NHS Trust CEO, their GP, MP and local media, and share this on social media to raise public awareness of this important issue.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Teaching Unions re Face Masks for Children in Schools


Following recurrent media reports that the Teaching Unions have been heavily lobbying the Government throughout the pandemic to require children to wear Face Masks in schools, the UKMFA have sent a letter to the General Secretaries of the Teaching Union detailing the evidence of physical, psychological and educational harms caused by this cruel and inhuman policy, alongside the lack of evidence for any benefit in reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

In light of the evidence we have presented, we call on the Unions to remember their duty of care as public officials, to immediately desist from calling for or supporting face mask mandates or guidance in schools for children, and instead to call for a complete return to a normal educational environment.

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UKMFA Notice of Legal Obligations and Potential Liabilities pertaining to Misfeasance to any Public Office Holders enforcing Face Mask Mandates in Schools


UKMFA have written a Template Letter to send to Public Office Holders who enforce face mask mandates on children in schools.  This letter places them on notice as to their duties and the legal position should they breach those duties. It refers to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with, pertaining to face mask mandates for children, specifically in schools.

We encourage our supporters to use this letter to educate and inform any public office holders they are aware of, who are responsible for implementing face mask mandates for schoolchildren.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Headteachers re Face Masks for Schoolchildren


UKMFA have written an urgent open letter to headteachers and school leaders (Prime Minister, UK First Ministers and health ministers copied in). We raise and evidence the following serious concerns relating to the use of face masks for children in schools:

  • Face masks potentially cause physical and psychological harms to the wearer, especially when worn incorrectly or for prolonged periods, both common in schoolchildren.
  • Face masks provide false reassurance, as they do not actually prevent viral transmission.
  • Face masks are a medical intervention and mandates constitute an unnecessary restriction on individual bodily autonomy and medical freedom.
  • Face masks promote societal fear and division and impair healthy communication between people, which is of acute significance for children and their learning.

We urge headteachers to consider their potential liability for any measures they impose, in the absence of good quality scientific evidence or published impact and risk assessments, should any children under their care come to harm, either as a direct result of wearing a face covering or due to emotional strains of discrimination or hindered education.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Prime Minister, First Ministers and Health Secretary/Ministers re Face Mask Mandates


UKMFA have sent an Open Letter to UK Government ministers regarding the current face covering mandates in the UK.  We are requesting an urgent and permanent revoking of all mandates for children under 18 years, and a switch to the voluntary use of face coverings in adults, unless or until a full risk v benefit assessment is published which demonstrates that the benefits are significant and far outweigh the harms.

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COVID Vaccine/Status Passports

UKMFA Submission to UK Government Public Consultation on Covid-19 Status Certification


The UKMFA, Lawyers for Liberty and Workers Union of England have submitted this joint response to the 'UK Government Public Consultation on Covid-19 Status Certification'.

We are urging our supporters to send in their own email response to this email -  We have produced a Word Document template below to help you draft your response, listing  some of the medical, ethical, legal, and societal issues that relate to Covid Status Certification.  Please personalise your email and express your concerns and the effect that 'Covid Status Certificates' would have on your life.  It does not have to be a long email.

The deadline for submissions is Monday 29th March.

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UKMFA and Lawyers for Liberty Open Letter to Government and MPs re Vaccine/Immunity Passports

01/03/21 UPDATED 11/01/24

In this Open Letter we detail our grave legal, ethical, and medical concerns, in response to recent rhetoric from government and private businesses, regarding the introduction of Vaccine/Immunity passports.

We urge a return to individual responsibility for our own health and argue that it is disproportionate and unnecessary to go down the route of further restrictions and loss of freedoms that a Vaccine/Immunity Passport would entail.

We argue that Vaccine Passports represent a dangerous path which has no place in a democratic and free society, and which would be a profoundly illiberal, undemocratic, and un-British policy.  

We are asking our supporters to send this letter to your MP and have created a Word Doc Template cover letter for you to use.

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COVID Prevention, Treatments and Natural Immunity

UKMFA Open Letter to the British Society of Immunology re Natural Immunity v Vaccine-Induced Immunity to Covid-19


UKMFA have sent an Open Letter to the President and Clinical Secretary of the British Society for Immunology addressing our concerns about an infographic published by the BSI entitled "Immunity to Covid-19".  We believe this BSI infographic contains misleading information and unsubstantiated claims that are in direct contradiction to published scientific evidence.

We have asked the BSI to immediately review and edit this infographic and to issue a fully referenced, corrected version in line with the evidence we present.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Royal College of GPs (RCGP) re Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19


UK Medical Freedom Alliance have written an Open Letter to the RCGP President and Chair of Council. In this letter we detail the wealth of evidence available regarding prevention and treatment modalities for Covid-19 which we urge them to disseminate to all their GP members.

Our aim is to empower GPs with the information they need to give patients the highest standard of evidence-based medical care in the primary care setting.

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Scottish Excess Mortality Data

UKMFA Open Letter to Chair of Expert Group Reviewing Excess Neonatal Mortality in Scotland


UKMFA have sent this open letter to Dr Helen Mactier and Health Improvement Scotland to appeal to them to ensure that all possible factors which may have contributed to the alarming recent increase in Scotland's neonatal mortality considered, including the possibility of COVID-19 vaccination having a causative effect.

We present evidence and data to support the hypothesis that COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women may be causing or contributing to the tragic increase in neonatal deaths.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Scottish Health Minister re Scottish Excess Mortality Data

21/12/21 UPDATED 04/12/23

Following the lack of response to our Open Letter, dated 26th October 2021, we have written again to the Scottish Government to highlight our grave concerns about the continuing and rising significant excess all-cause mortality and to demand reassurance as to the following:

  • That the Scottish Government has acknowledged and considered the implications of the data pertaining to significant excess all-cause mortality in Scotland as detailed in this letter.
  • That the Scottish Cabinet has formulated a plan how to address this crisis of steadily rising excess all-cause mortality across all age groups in Scotland.
  • That the Scottish Government has analysed and reviewed in detail the impact and risk assessment of COVID-19 policies, including restrictions of movement and social interactions (lockdowns), wearing of face coverings and COVID-19 vaccinations.
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UKMFA Urgent Open Letter to Scottish Health Officials re Alarming Scottish Excess Mortality Figures


UKMFA have written to Scottish Health Officials regarding the alarming recent trend in Scottish excess mortality, which is very significantly out of range compared to averages from the last 40 years over the summer/autumn period and continues to rise week on week. This does not correlate with deaths involving COVID-19, and therefore there must be another factor.  

We note that the inflection in the trends towards rising excess mortality has occurred in a staggered fashion according to age groups, which appears to correlate with the age cohort staggered roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines.

We ask for an urgent investigation into this serious situation and for appropriate action to be taken to ensure that a further rise to this alarming trend may be mitigated.

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Open Letters to Individual Media Figures

Joint Open Letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO, Charity Commission re Andrew Bridgen MP's Allegations that the British Heart Foundation (BHF) withheld Data relating to Cardiac Damage caused by COVID-19 Vaccines


UKMFA, Doctors for Patients UK and HART, along with around 100 medical professional cosignatories, have sent an open letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission, to express our deep concerns about recent allegations made by Andrew Bridgen MP in the House of Commons.

Andrew Bridgen stated that a whistleblower alleges that the Oxford University Cardiology Research department, whose lead clinician, Professor Charalambos Antoniades is funded by the BHF has withheld important data about COVID-19 vaccine harms, for fear of losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and was therefore prioritising funding over patient safety.

We are calling for a full and independent investigation into any suppression of data by the British Heart Foundation itself or by senior BHF grant holders and have made a number of FOI requests in the letter.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Kamran Abbasi, BMJ Editor in Chief, re Published Article Smearing UKMFA

25/11/22 UPDATED 13/12/22

UKMFA have sent an open letter of complaint to the BMJ Editor in Chief regarding the article linked below, which contains insinuations and unsubstantiated and unreferenced allegations concerning our organisation, and which appears to seek to undermine our contribution to a critical debate of national importance.

BMJ Article: Understanding and neutralising covid-19 misinformation and disinformation

We evidence that the approach of the authors borders on the defamatory, is manifestly unscientific, and falls short of the editorial standards that the BMJ professes to uphold. We were also disappointed not to have been offered the customary “right to reply” by the BMJ before the article was published.  We have requested an immediate retraction of the article and a published apology form the authors.

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We are delighted that the BMJ have published in full the UK Medical Freedom Alliance Directors' Rapid Response Letter to the Editors. Other Rapid Responses published on the BMJ website are from Dr Clare Craig (HART) and Dr Ros Jones (CCVAC).

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UKMFA Open Letter to Professor Calum Semple re Comments made on BBC podcast for Children re Covid-19 Vaccines


UKMFA has submitted a formal complaint to Prof Semple (Consultant Paediatrician) concerning his comments made on a BBC Podcast, released on 15th September 2021, where he answered children’s questions about the Covid-19 jab.

We set out our grave concerns regarding some of his statements, mainly related to his gross misrepresentation of the Covid-19 vaccine safety profile and his contribution to the propagandisation of Covid-19 vaccines for children. We argue that all medical doctors bear the responsibility to convey information 'comprehensively and based on all available evidence', and that his privileged and influential position of reaching a large audience via the BBC Podcast means it is imperative that he is held to the highest standards of ethical medicine, based on scientific evidence. We argue that the simplified, one-sided and propagandised tone and content of his contribution falls far below the bar set by good medical practice, disregarding readily accessible safety data and communicating a lack of respect for anyone questioning the narrative.

We request that Prof Semple immediately reviews and retracts his statements and issue a more balanced response to the questions asked, including comprehensive and scientifically validated information regarding the available evidence on safety concerns in teenagers.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick re his Telegraph Article on Covid-19 Vaccination of Teenagers


UKMFA has submitted a formal complaint to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick and the Telegraph newspaper concerning his comments published in the Telegraph on the 23th August 2021, discussing the process of administering Covid-19 vaccinations to teenagers. We set out our serious concerns regarding some of his statements.  These are mainly related to his misrepresentation of the Covid-19 vaccine safety profile and his trivialisation of the informed consent process.

We argue that the simplified, one-sided, patronising, and propagandised tone and content of this article falls far below good medical practice, disregarding readily accessible safety data and communicating a lack of respect for the right of every individual to be comprehensively informed before giving consent as well as their right to refuse treatment without coercion, penalty or restriction being applied.

We ask for an immediate retraction of the original article and the publishing of a more balanced comment.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar re BBC Newsround Episode on Children's Vaccines


UKMFA have sent a letter of complaint to Prof Sridhar following her claims made on BBC Newsround, which is shown in most UK schools, which made several false or misleading claims including that the Covid-19 vaccines are 100% safe, that children should have the vaccine to protect their parents, and that the benefits to children outweigh any risks.

To present such a simplified and biased message is, in our opinion, deeply irresponsible, amounts to propaganda, and negatively impacts on the process of giving fully informed consent. We have requested that Prof Sridhar immediately retracts the entire message and issues a clear public apology for misrepresenting the facts relating to the safety concerns of Covid-19 vaccines in children.

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UKMFA Open Letter to Piers Morgan re Offensive Tweet Inciting Hate


UKMFA and Lawyers for Liberty have sent an Open Letter of complaint to Piers Morgan, ITV, This Morning and Ofcom which refers to a Tweet that Piers Morgan posted about vaccine passports where he said "...It’s time covid-denying, anti-vaxxer loonies had their bullsh*t bluff called and bar themselves from going anywhere that responsible citizens go."

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UKMFA Open Letter to Helen Whately, Minister of State for Care, re Misleading Claim for Vaccine Efficacy


The UKMFA sent this letter in response to a claim made in a recent Government publication that "for every 20 care home residents vaccinated, one death is prevented".

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FOI Requests

FOI Request to Dame June Raine, CEO MHRA, on Safety of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines


In light of the MHRA's continuing support of recommendations of Covid vaccines and boosters to many cohorts including pregnant women, we have submitted a new FOI requesting disclosure of documents that support their assurance of safety of the Covid vaccines, specifically relating to carcinogenicity, autoimmunity and genotoxicity.  

We have asked them to provide these within 20 days as required under the FOIA.

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UKMFA FOI to MHRA re COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Criteria

31/10/22 UPDATED 27/11/23

Following the unsatisfactory response to our previous FOI to the MHRA on a possible link between Scottish Mortality data and Cardiac Deaths and the Covid vaccine rollout, we have sent a further FOI request asking for further data relating to:

  • Specific criteria set re COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring which would trigger either a formal epidemiological study or, re deaths reported to Yellow Card, would prompt them to call a halt to the COVID-19 rollout.
  • Documents/discussions referring to rapid cycle analysis or targeted active monitoring in the context of COVID-19 safety monitoring.
  • Documents/discussions relied upon to decide how many reported fatal outcomes were caused by a COVID-19 vaccine.
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Open Letters and FOI Requests to RCOG, RCM and UKHSA re Safety Concerns of COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy

13/11/22 UPDATED 15/05/23

Several UKMFA doctors have joined over 60 doctors in signing this open letter to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives and UK Health Security Agency, calling for an urgent review of the evidence around the safety of COVID-19 vaccine use in pregnancy.

We argue that current official advice "is not grounded in robust data based on ethically conducted research" and evidence multiple serious safety signals and research data that should prompt an immediate halt to the rollout to pregnant women pending a full, independent safety analysis.

On 23/02/23 we sent a follow-up Appeal Letter, with a number of FOI Requests, to the RCOG expressing our dismay at the lack of response from a letter sent in December 2022 to RCOG President Dr Ranee Thakar, and that the RCOG's latest position statement on COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy had not taken any of our concerns into account.  

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FOI Request to NPEU re Key Information on COVID-19 in Pregnancy Graphic

07/07/22 UPDATED 17/04/23

UKMFA sent an Freedom of Information Request to Prof Jenny Kurinczuk, head of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU), to ask for data supporting their graphic entitled “Key Information on COVID-19 in Pregnancy” which presents selected data with the apparent purpose to convey two main messages (COVID-19 is dangerous for pregnant women and their babies and COVID-19 vaccines reduce this risk) with the aim of recommending COVID-19 vaccination to pregnant women.

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UKMFA FOI Request to MHRA re Scottish Excess Mortality and Cardiac Deaths and Temporal Association with COVID-19 vaccinations

01/07/22 UPDATED 04/11/22

UKMFA sent an FOI request to Dame June Raine, Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), asking for to any and all documents or minutes of meetings analysing Scottish excess all-cause mortality data, as well as Scottish data regarding ambulance callouts for cardiac events in young people and their temporal associations with COVID-19 vaccinations.

We stated our serious concern that the temporal association between all-cause mortality and also cardiac morbidity and COVID-19 vaccination in different age groups is striking und undeniable.

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UKMFA FOI Requests for Evidence Supporting UK CMOs' Decision to Recommend COVID-19 Vaccines to Children


Following the four UK Chief Medical Officers’ decision to recommend the vaccines to children aged 12-15 years, we sent Freedom of Information Requests to each CMO, asking for the evidence on which they based their decisions, any other individuals involved in making the decision, and conflicts of interest of all individuals involved in the decision-making process. We asked for copies of the 'minutes of meetings' relevant to this process.

We finally received a response from the Northern Ireland Ministry of Health on the 6th August 2024 - nearly 3 years after our FOI request was sent! We are yet to hear from any of the other CMOs.

Download / View PDF Letter to:
Dr Whitty (England)Dr McBride (Wales)Dr Atherton (NI)Dr Smith (Scotland)

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