UKMFA Open Letter to MHRA, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists and Royal College of Midwives re Urgent Call to Re-evaluate COVID-19 Vaccine Advice for Pregnant Women


UKMFA sent this Urgent Open Letter to Dame June Raine (Chief Executive of the MHRA),  Mr Edward Morris (President of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) and Rebeccah Davies (President of the Royal College of Midwives) writing to re-emphasise our concerns stated in previous Open Letters, reinforced by emerging data over the course of the last year.

We detail why we are now gravely concerned regarding the continued policies to vaccinate pregnant women against COVID-19 and  point out that supporting the policies of COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women, whilst ignoring or even denying the significance of growing numbers of serious adverse event reports, is at this point grossly negligent and irresponsible.

We demand scientifically robust and transparent evidence for the safety and efficacy of COVID19 vaccines in pregnancy if they continue to advocate that COVID-19 vaccines should be administered to pregnant women.

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