UKMFA Media and Presentations

Interviews with and presentations by members of the UKMFA team

Dr Liz Evans Speech on Medical Ethics at the 2024 Heritage Party Conference


Dr Evans began by reflecting on the gross violation of medical ethics during the Covid pandemic, which has set a dangerous precedent. As we emerge from the Covid era she discussed multiple current threats to our medical freedom and bodily autonomy - including:

  • State overreach into medical decisions for children and the elderly.
  • The increased medicalisation of schools, as a setting for vaccination and indoctrination with vaccine ideology.
  • The persecution of ethical doctors by the NHS and GMC.
  • The threat from the proposed, Orwellian Public Health Bill in Northern Ireland.
  • The global agendas that are seeking to remove individual autonomy and create a Global Health Dictatorship.

My Medical Choice with The People’s Health Alliance


UKMFA Programme Director, Ian Humphreys discusses and promotes the My Medical Choice service which has been taken to a new level by Lisa Dunnington, and Gio Castagno of The People's Health Alliance.

Receiving the best possible care in what medical professionals call the 'Golden Hour' could mean the difference between life and death. The system was designed as an alert system in consultation with British paramedics, and it provides the emergency services with quick and easy access to a patient's crucial medical information, giving them the very best chance of a full recovery.

TNT Radio / TV - Dr Liz Evans on The Peoples Vaccine Inquiry


Dr Liz Evans in conversation with James Freeman on TNT Live. They discussed the foundation of UKMFA, how medical ethics have been seriously violated during the Covid era, and the recent launch of 'The Peoples Vaccine Inquiry' to make available vital evidence to the public and medical profession, clearly demonstrating that the Covid vaccines are unsafe, ineffective and that the rollout was completely unethical."

The David Kurten Show - Dr Liz Evans on Current Medical Ethics Issues


An important discussion about current issues relating to medical ethics and informed consent, especially relating to our children.  We covered the threat to our children's health and parental rights from the increasing medicalisation of schools  - through the use of schools to administer vaccines and the indoctrination of children through the curriculum.  We also discussed the attempts by the NHS to override parental involvement in, and consent for, children's healthcare decisions, including letters sent directly to children as young as 10 years old by their GP surgery.

UKMFA CEO Dr Liz Evans in Conversation with Dr Ahmad Malik


Dr Liz Evans was honoured to be asked to join Dr Ahmad Malik on his “Doc Malik” podcast for a wide-ranging conversation about her journey from conventional doctor to naturopathic physician, freedom fighter and campaigner for medical ethics.

Unity News Network | Dr Elizabeth Evans Supporting Medical Choice and Informed Consent


UNN's geopolitical correspondent Anthony Webber talks with Dr Elizabeth Evans from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.

CHD TV - Dr Liz Evans on Medical Ethics and Covid


UKMFA CEO, Dr Liz Evans was interviewed on the US Children's Health Defense TV "Friday Roundtable", by Brian Hooker, Ph.D, Dr Elizabeth Mumper, Aimee Villella McBride, and Dr Meryl Nass in a wide ranging conversation. She shared COVID and related updates from the United Kingdom, encouraging viewers that the medical freedom’s ‘strength in numbers’ continues to increase.

CHD Europe Community Event: Hands Off Our Children - Stop the mRNA Gene-Based Shots


UKMFA CEO, Dr Elizabeth Evans' presentation on “A Crisis in Medical Ethics”, at the Children's Health Defense Europe Community Conference in Brussels on 12th November 2022.

GB NEWS | Calvin Robinson - Common Sense Crusade


UKMFA Director, Dr Elizabeth Evans, and Laura Dodsworth discussing the moral and ethical implications of the Pfizer Executive admission in EU Parliament that Covid jabs were never tested for effect on transmission of virus. It is now apparent that the public were knowingly and deliberately misled by Governments and Health Authorities, in order to coerce them into taking a COVID-19 vaccine, that they may not have wanted or needed, but took solely to protect others.

GB NEWS | Neil Oliver


UKMFA Director Dr Elizabeth Evans and Prof Gus Dalgleish, speaking about the grave safety concerns and ethical issues that should prompt the immediate halt to the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines to children, as requested in the Children's Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC) open letter to PM Liz Truss delivered last week.

Statement: CCVAC Open Letter to Liz Truss - Halt COVID-19 Jabs for Children


Outside the gates of Downing Street, UK Medical Freedom Alliance Director, Dr Elizabeth Evans explains why the Children's Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC) are urging the new PM, Liz Truss, to halt the rollout to under-18s.  She focuses on the fundamental ethical requirements of all medical treatments - to be proportionate, necessary and to "First do no Harm".

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