UKMFA Submission to Public Consultation on Gender Questioning Children


UKMFA made this submission to the UK Public Consultation on "Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children", giving our feedback to the Government's Draft Guidance to Schools and Colleges which can be read here. Broadly speaking we welcome this guidance but have made some suggestions as to how it could go further.

We are encouraged that the draft guidance goes a long way to restoring common sense and protecting children from the potentially damaging and divisive gender-identity ideology. We welcome the guidance which will protect teachers who believe their job is to educate not indoctrinate their pupils, and which seeks to put parents back at the centre of their child's healthcare and welfare decisions. It is vital that schools are places where truth is sacrosanct, to provide security for children to be able to trust what they are taught as fact, and where pupils are not misled to satisfy a political ideology, however uncomfortable this may be.

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